Friday, January 21, 2011

Journal One

How would you define who you are in one symbol or icon? 

If I were to choose one image that would describe how I think about myself, it would be a piece of jewelry. I don't mean it in a vapid way; I do not think I am a precious treasure that is gorgeous. A jewelry piece would best describe me because to me, a special piece of jewelry has meaning to it. For me, this necklace was given to me by a person I have been in a relationship with for almost three years. The idea of jewelry is thoughtful and quietly lovely. It does not have to have anything added to it to make it look nice, it is the idea that it is worn alone, delicately around the neck. This would describe me because I am a very thoughtful, sensitive person and I know I have a lot of worth to me, as would a jewelry given as a gift. I am an introverted person and I have no problems being alone, but it's nice to have companions, just like a necklace could have other accessories to complete a look. Also, though I don't like to admit it, I am a sensitive person and I care about being treated kindly more than a lot of people. Lastly, I chose the background of rocks because even with all of my characteristics, I love being outdoors and I am firmly grounded to who I am.

How do you think someone else would define you?

The first impression, that I have been told by most people, is that I am shy and pretty. This image has a pretty flower, nothing extravagant, but it is surrounded by a lock. To me, I probably seem like the flower who does not want to come out of lock, or my shell. Of course, with the right person, or key, the shell comes off easily and I can be more relaxed and optimistic.

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