Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Journal Twelve

This ad by Adidas does such a great job of advertising all of their products in a humorous way. The cat is tipping a fishbowl which would make the laptop wet, unless someone with Adidas attire is there because they can get there in time to stop the catastrophe. This ad works because it reminds people that throughout their days, so many little things can happen where swiftness is needed. It also humorously tells people that Adidas can aid in being fast. Adidas is advertising themselves as a company to all audiences. It is targeting adults with the importance of stopping an electronic disaster, but it can satisfy all audiences with the humor in "being fast" in this situation to "being fast" as with sports.

Journal Eleven

This ad was put out by Dove Secret and it plays on the myth of the vulgarity that is usually drawn all over bathroom stalls. Many times, this graffiti is used to talk negatively about other people. Dove used this myth to their advantage by using it and turning it around so that the impact is so much greater about saying something nice about someone, such as "Kara B. is a lovely person!!!," versus what is normally put. The denotative value of the ad is that it is obviously graffiti written upon a bathroom stall wall. The connotative value is that it is contrasting to what people are used to seeing on this same template. Overall, with the use of the myth about the upsetting bathroom walls, Dove is trying to say that this doesn't have to be the case and that someone should not follow the norm of negativity, but break through it and actually be nice when someone isn't around.